Here we have listed links to student housing providers in Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg, as well as municipal and private housing agencies in the area. We also provide you with links to other websites that have ads for housing or offer temporary accommodation. Finally we have a list of other useful links that might be helpful when moving to the area.

Student housing

Here you find links to student housing providers in Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg.


Student housing in Lund Info
AF Bostäder  The largest student housing provider in Lund with 6000 rooms and apartments.
Johan Henrik Thomanders Studenthem Student housing for male students.
Blekinska nationen Blekinska nationen offers housing of different sizes, both corridor rooms and 1-3 room apartments.
Göteborg’s nation Göteborg nation has 44 corridor rooms and the rooms on each floor share a TV-room and kitchen.
Hallands nation Halland’s nation has 98 housing units and offers both apartments and corridor rooms.
Helsingkrona nation Helsingkrona nation can offer housing to a total of 354 students.
Kalmar nation Kalmar nation has 74 different housing units which includes both apartments and corridor rooms.
Kristianstad nation Kristianstad nation can house 54 students. Each semester they reserve a certain number of rooms for new students.
LU Accommodation LU Accommodation is part of Lund University and offers housing for international students.
Lund University's page about housing Information about housing from Lund University.
Lund’s nation Lund’s nation is the nation with most housing and they have room for over 300 students.
Malmö nation Malmö nation has 270 rooms in their three houses.
Sydskånska nationen Sydskånska nationen has room for 48 students on Tornavägen 5 in Lund.
Västgöta nation Västgöta Nation is able to house 95 students.
Wermland’s nation Wermland's Nation has 22 corridor rooms and about 15 apartments.
Östgöta nation Östöta nation has about 30 housing units.
Laurentiistiftelsen  Student housing run by the Church of Sweden.
Lunds Studentskegård Studenthouse for female students.
Michael Hansens Kollegium  Studenthouse for female and male students. Housing que.
New Greenhouse Greenhouse is a new student room provider in Råby outside of Lund with room for over 100 students.
Nations overview At Studentlund.se you will find an overview of all the nations in Lund, and all of them let rooms to students who are active in their nation.
Smålands Nations bostäder A student nation in Lund (not a member of Studentlund) that offers housing.
SBS Studentbostäder i Sverige AB SBS Studenbostäder i Sverige AB offers 86 student apartments on Fiolvägen in Lund.
K2A student housing Offers student apartments in northern Lund.
Studenthemmet Micklagård A Christian student house.


Student housing in Malmö  Info
Altona Altona offers housing for university women between the ages of 19 and 25.
Heimstaden 665 student apartments in Malmö.
MKB Studentlägenheter MKB has over 1000 student apartments in Malmö, you apply through BoPlats Syd.
Hemma Hemma is a portal for housing adverts at Malmö university. The goal of the services they provide is to improve the housing situation for students in Malmö by compiling ads targeted to students and by giving basic information about the second hand market in Malmö.
Contentus Apartments in Malmö, Ystad and Kristianstad.


Student housing in Helsingborg Info
Helsingborgstudent.se There are seven student halls of residence in Helsingborg. Here you find links to each landlord’s website with information about the housing and how to apply (most unfortunately available in Swedish only).

Other housing providers

Here are links to municipal and private housing agencies in the area,


Private landlords

Websites with ads for housing

Popular Swedish websites and agencies for finding housing.

Housing websites

Temporary accommodation

Hostels, couches and other temporary solutions.

Temporary accommodation

Name Area
Millas Villa B&B in Lund
Brunius Bed & Breakfast B&B in Lund
Hotel Finn Self-service hotell in Lund. Also has studios with kitchens which have a microwave, fridge and coffee machine.
Magle’s Smiley Inn Bed & Breakfast B&B in Lund
No 1 Guest House B&B in Lund
Winstrup Hostel Hostel in Lund
Bosses Gästvåningar Hostel in Malmö
Rut och Ragnars vandrarhem Hostel in Malmö
Vandrarhem i Malmö Hostel in Malmö
Cityvandrarhemmet / City Hostel Hostel in Helsingborg
Helsingborgs Vandrarhem Centrum Hostel in Helsingborg
STF Helsingborg Miatorp Hostel in Helsingborg
PE Rumsuthyrning Hostel in Landskrona
STF Vandrarhem Landskrona Hostel in Landskrona

Other useful links

Other useful links

  • Poststugan - here you can rent a post box if you need a more permanent address.
  • Skånetrafiken - Public transportation in Skåne.
  • The Swedish Union of Tenants  - a membership organization who is devoted to ensuring that everyone has the right to good housing at an affordable cost.
  • Hemmlis- A company that has second hand furniture that you can rent.
  • The Regional Rent Tribunal- a part of the Swedish judiciary. Settles arguments between landlords and tenants, and makes decisions concerning rent levels etc. They can also provide you with general information on laws and regulations.
  • Studentlund – The student unions, student nations and the Academic Society joined together. As a member you get access to all of student life in Lund, e.g. the possibility to apply for housing through AF Bostäder.
  • Helsingborgsstudent.se – Information about student activities and housing for students in Helsingborg.